The Prestige City Indirapuram project has the newest eco-friendly features to give importance to the atmosphere, including solar panels, waste management systems, rainwater harvesting units, water recycling units, etc. The whole area has energy-efficient LED lighting. The project has parking areas with enough big spaces for parking both owner's and visitors' vehicles.
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- {POPISEK reklamního článku, také dlouhý přes dva a možná dokonce až tři řádky, končící na tři tečky...}
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The Prestige City Indirapuram project has the newest eco-friendly features to give importance to the atmosphere, including solar panels, waste management systems, rainwater harvesting units, water recycling units, etc. The whole area has energy-efficient LED lighting. The project has parking areas with enough big spaces for parking both owner's and visitors' vehicles.
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iprestigecity.rajce.netAktivní od
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